We celebrate Holy Communion on most Sundays with some Sunday evening servicess and regular midweek services on Zoom on Thursdays. Other services take place to celebrate various occasions throughout the year. Holy Trinity also runs various activities, including a regular Book Club, Quilting Group and our Garden Group who develop and maintain the churchyard and the Serenity Garden. For more details about service times and activities, please see our Calendar and the 'What's On' section. For further information abour the church, please contact Robin Baker
Our regular service times are:
Holy Trinity - Sunday at 9.30am, with sung Eucharist, occasional Cafe Communion, Matins or Communion by Extention. Thursday's every two-weeks at 10.30am are on Zoom
St. Andrew's - Sunday at 11.15am.
Kilmaveonaig - Sunday at 11.15am
All Saint's - Sunday at 9.30am or 10.30am.
For service details and the most up-to-date service times, visit our calendar.